

or, a budding sartorialist's musings on the style, substance and spice of life

Two Lessons That Made Game of Thrones S8 The Perfect Ending, Plotwise

WARNING: Spoilers abound. Proceed at own risk. I was first exposed to Game of Thrones (the show, not the books which I had already encountered earlier) sometime between 2013 and 2015. It quickly redefined my expectations of how characters fare... Continue Reading →

Fit Is The Key To Style

You might say that I'm making a baseless generalisation in the title. Certainly, there are other things that factor into well-defined, coherent, and genuine style. But fit is the element that trumps them all. Fit is the foundation of any... Continue Reading →

Resolutions Anew

It's perfectly safe for all of us to admit that we sometimes fail to follow our New Year's resolutions. As I'd always say, acknowledging what went wrong is the first step to making things right. If we were to explore... Continue Reading →

Every Biopic Wants To Be Interesting, But Not Every Biopic Is Bohemian Rhapsody

I'd like to begin by saying that I am by no means a film critic, at least not in the professional sense. I'm just a moviegoer, like most, who took an interest in a certain film's story and decided to... Continue Reading →

A Wrestler’s Farewell

You might be thinking from the title that I'm a wrestler (who forgot to tell you about it) announcing my retirement from in-ring action. (How I wish I really were a wrestler, but that's a tale for another day.) Of... Continue Reading →

Am I Bad If I Don’t Share My Chips?

I understand that many others have probably discussed this subject before, but hey, I don't know them and I haven't seen where they posted it. In any case, it might be good to create another venue to discuss this issue,... Continue Reading →

Men’s Fashion Trends That Must Disappear: Skinny-Fit Trousers

I'm currently considering making a series of posts on fashion trends that have lasted for too long. It won't necessarily be a consecutive series, though. I'll try to give each trend an ample amount of attention, instead of forcing myself... Continue Reading →

Made-To-Measure, or Bespoke? Defining Clothing Craftsmanship in the Philippines, Part 2

In the first half of this two-part commentary, I went about describing what Filipino custom outfitters do and why they are not supposed to be considered true bespoke tailors. I also gave my word to identify a possible substitute for... Continue Reading →

Made-To-Measure, or Bespoke? Defining Clothing Craftsmanship in the Philippines, Part 1

Tailoring is a word we see frequently enough here in the Philippines. Some might have memories of it from when their parents took them to the local shop to get their first school uniforms made. Others might remember the thrill... Continue Reading →

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